We need new maps, not remasters of maps that were perfect. I appreciate the work of British Virus, I love their maps, in fact my favorite map is Gambol, but these new versions are a mess, I know the answer will obviously be no, but I really just want to express my displeasure.
All the remastered maps have a terrible fps performance, most of them were shrunk and the amount of props is disproportionate, making them a mess in lobbies of +35 players, stunts are practically non-existent and if there are any they are so clear and designed for toddlers.
Mothership. small, terrible FPS performance, badly positioned swappers.
Orbit. small, the grey platforms on the side are very small and have a slope, terrible fps performance.
Tower. small, terrible FPS performance.
Leviathan. absurdly small, terrible FPS performance, balls exactly where a car lands when exiting a portal.
Aranche. unrecognizable, small looks like a parking garage, terrible FPS performance, if you have a dump/brickade 6x6 you can’t see anything because of the proximity of the roof.
Atlantis. is ok it wasn’t even a good map before but it’s frustrating to hear an explosion every 5 seconds because of the 2 mines.