Shorten/Move Burnout Tutorial

Please move burnout tutorial into it’s own separate place where people can learn about it or shorten it, perhaps have the tutorial DURING the 10 second burnout. Having to sit there and watch the same tutorial EVERY race is very annoying. Just wastes so much time every race for no reason.

The burnout is not a waste of time, it’s a neat feature. With the right membership or permanent perk package, you can host races without this feature, if that helps.

It talking about the burnout guide/introduction not the actual burnout, it wastes 10+ seconds EVERY race teaching you how to do it before you can even do the actual burnout it self. This is insane to have every race, especially for public lobbies where its on all the time.

Since there’s always new users joining from the featured server list that still need the guide, this will not be done.

like i said make the guide text boxes DURING the 10 second burnout, not forcing everyone to wait for that 1 “new” person on the server. Thats just retarded.