The drift tuning upgrade

I am reposting this suggestion because of the Forum redesign

The drift tires in the handling menu are not that good, maybe add the drift tuning upgrade from gta online to cars from this list: GTA Online Drift Cars List: All Vehicles with Drift Tuning Mod

This will not be done. Can you describe ‘not that good’?

The drift tires are just low grip tires, they arent good for decent drifting, most of the time you lose control or spin out instantly. I would prefer driving a car with a proper drift upgrade like the drift tuning from LS car meet in gta online

The Agents of Sabotage brings the drift tuning with it but it counts as a different car,
maybe there is a way of converting it into an upgrade instead of spawning a different car with the drift tuning or just make a drift version of the cars in the showroom